New Website Launched!

So, our volunteers have been beavering away for the last few months and working with the brilliant Iwan Roberts from who is based in Taynuilt (we love supporting local talent!), we are delighted to launch our brand new website today! In addition, we also have new branding and logo based around our wonderful Griffons […]
Preparing for Spring

This weekend our volunteers have been busy spring cleaning and tidying up the library area, which is where we currently store all the paraphernalia for the events that we run. Everything has been boxed and labelled, making it so much easier for us to find things going forward! They also took down the Christmas lights […]
Christmas Tree Festival ’24

Wow! What an amazing three days! This year we saw a record breaking 75 trees entered into the festival, from charities, schools, individuals and local businesses. The level of creativity was astounding, with trees made from lamp shades, recycled rubbish and exercise balls plus so much more. Darth Vader from Star Wars also made an […]
Garden Lighting

In preparation for the forthcoming Christmas Tree Festival, our volunteers have been busy installing the lights in the gardens, to make it look magical. This year, we have been able to secure funding for some additional lights, meaning we have been able to replace some older damaged set plus buy some additional netting lights and […]
Tree Decoration Workshop

Today saw two of our regular volunteers, Val Leckie and Val Hamiliton (known as the 2Vals) delivered a tree decoration workshop here at the Kirk. The theme was Trees & Angels and after a practical demonstration by the tutors, the group unleashed their full creativity. The only materials allowed were simple strips of card, but […]
Spruce the Bruce!

With so much beautiful wood in the Kirk, it is an ongoing process to look after it. Today, one of our key volunteers, Peter Hennessy, donned his pinny, grabbed his rags and oil and painstakingly worked over the beautiful carving of King Robert the Bruce, bringing out the best of the oak. Once done, he […]
Spring Clean 2024

We had a great turn out and very successful day! This despite a discouraging forecast and occasional downpours! Today’s volunteers were Helen, Peter, Rosie, Emma, Anne, Karen, Takki, Tom, Kathleen, Alistair, Lorna, Kenny, Lynda, Liz. 14 in all. As ever, we were very pleased to see Tom who comes all the way from Ayrshire every […]