Roof Repairs

September 3, 2023

The roof of the Kirk is truly amazing, with complex shapes, decorative design, different materials, square towers and more. Other than the slate roof of the north tower which is from the earlier part of the building completed in 1886, all other roof elements were added when the building was dramatically extended, opening in 1930. While most of the roof is still sound, problems have arisen where the different materials connect. In many cases flashings and skews are no longer effective, gutters inside the parapets are no longer sound and a number of coping stones need securing. Leaks and water ingress can be clearly seen inside the Kirk when it rains,

The challenges are large and a major step forward was made in 2017 when with the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund Listed Places of Worship Scheme and the accumulation of many years of visitor donations, the library roof and three gutters above the St Conval’s and St Bride’s Chapels were completed at a cost of £130,000.

In 2018 we made a successful application to the Heritage Lottery Fund “Our Heritage Scheme” for £100,000 towards further roof and gutter repairs. Specifically, to allow repair of  the accessible copes and skews on the roof, and renewal of a further 4 leaking gutters and also renewal of the flat roof above the Bruce Chapel. This work was supported by the All Churches Trust, The Baird Trust and the Scottish Churches Trust and complete in summer/autumn 2019.

Alas, we are still battling with the Argyll elements and need to secure additional funding to make the Kirk truly watertight! If you’re able to help by donating funds, we’d be most grateful!

 New Timbers and Roof Repairs above the Organ Screen (Summer 2019)
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