Annual Christmas Eve Carol Service

December 24, 2024

Despite the persistent rain, the pews were packed for the Christmas Eve Carol Service organised by our local Elders.

Those present included not only local residents from Lochawe, Dalmally and down the Lochaweside, but also quite a number of visitors to the area.

Four children went forward to light the candles on the Advent Crown at the start of the service.

This was followed by a series of readings and prayers with lots of favourite carols including “Away in a Manger” , “Hark the Herald Angels” and “Oh Come, All Ye Faithful”.

Some of our visitors added quite complicated descants to the carols!

Following the service, all were invited to enjoy hot drinks and snacks. Betty’s fruit dumpling was, as ever, much in demand!

The locals and visitors mingled with their drinks, exchanging Christmas greetings and discussing plans for the next day. 

The Kirk looked lovely decorated for Christmas and one or two people were heard to comment that the new heating in the nave was very effective! 

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