Pumpkin Festival 2024

Saturday saw the Kirk holding it’s Pumpkin Festival for the second year. Once again, the pumpkins were kindly donated by our friends at The Ben Cruachan Inn and supplied directly to Dalmally and Taynuilt primary schools by JM Breckenridge. The children unleased their spooky creativity and we had some fabulous carvings this year! Over 300 […]

Coffee, Cake & Winter Interest Planter Demo

Today we were lucky enough to have Jana Baird of Corachie Clematis garden centre visit the Kirk to give a demonstration on how to bring some colour and life into our gardens during those dull winter days. We had 40 enthusiastic would be gardeners turn up and Jana did a marvellous job, showing us the […]

Storytelling: the Darker Side of Argyll

Over 40 people joined Patsy Dyer as she regaled them with tales from the darker side of Argyll with tales of local folklore, mystery, suspense and revenge! This was part of the Scottish International Storytelling Festival. Feedback from the crowd was very positive with some great suggestions as to the theme of the next event.

Heritage Open Day

The Kirk was a hive of activity for its 2024 Heritage Open Day, attracting more than 200 people. The event, on Saturday September 21, showcased ongoing work and plans for future restoration and development. “While we’re working hard to raise the funds to restore the fabric of the building, our most important aim is to […]

Massacre of Glencoe

Today saw the Kirk hosting The Massacre of Glencoe community event. The event, which lasted about and hour and half and was attended by over 70 people told the story of the brutal betrayal by Glenlyon and the butchery of the men, women and children of the MacDonald clan through a combination of song, prose, […]

St Conan’s Cup 2024

This year we chose ‘Mysterious Boats’ as the competition subject. Each school was provided with an exciting introductory paragraph about a Captain, his crew and a strange boat making their way to St Conan’s Kirk. The children were asked to illustrate this and to tell what the Captain and crew found in St Conan’s. The […]

Community Sign-Along August 2024

Following on from the incredibly popular community sign-a-long back in June, Stephen Williams returned as musical director along with Miriam Harden on piano for another wonderful afternoon of uplifting songs based around the theme of Freedom. We had nearly 80 people turn up for the event and everyone loved the event. Here is some of […]

Coffee, Cake & Organ Recital

Today we welcomed back Peter Shepherd for a glorious Organ Recital! Peter was organist at Paisley Abbey and has previously played for the London Mozart Players, Oxford Baroque & Opera Dei Lemi and is currently working at Chesterfield Parish Church as organist and choirmaster. He has experience in playing classical, jazz and pop music and […]

Community Singing Event

Stephen Williams, along with Miriam Harden on piano, led our first community singing event in the Kirk. We had nearly 60 people attend the event and of course the acoustics in the Chancel made the singing all the more dramatic! The feedback from those attending was great, with many asking for a repeat performance. We […]

Drop in and Draw

Today we held our first Drop in and Draw day. With so much wonderful architecture and a surplice of amazing things to see in the Kirk, our budding artists were spoilt for choice as to what to draw. Our artists ranged in age, but all produced some amazing pictures, with some adding a splash of […]

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