New Website Launched!

So, our volunteers have been beavering away for the last few months and working with the brilliant Iwan Roberts from who is based in Taynuilt (we love supporting local talent!), we are delighted to launch our brand new website today! In addition, we also have new branding and logo based around our wonderful Griffons […]
Bridge @ the Kirk

It was great to see the local Dalmally and Lochawe Bridge Club back in the Kirk for their Monday night sessions. The library is the perfect location to set up the tables, deal the cards and make new friends and we’re delighted that we are able to offer this space for the community to use. […]
Community Sing-a-Long dates Announced!

As we enter 2025, we are delighted to announce that, after discussion with musical director Stephen Williams and our wonderful pianist, Miriam Harden, we have five more Community Sing-a-Long dates planned for the forthcoming year! The events that we ran in 2024 proved incredibly popular and grew in size with each new event. Singers will […]
Annual Christmas Eve Carol Service

Despite the persistent rain, the pews were packed for the Christmas Eve Carol Service organised by our local Elders. Those present included not only local residents from Lochawe, Dalmally and down the Lochaweside, but also quite a number of visitors to the area. Four children went forward to light the candles on the Advent Crown […]
Lighting up the Village

Here at the Kirk, we like to work closely with local charities and businesses and one of our greatest supporters is the team down at the Ben Cruachan Inn, who, as well as supplying all the pumpkins for our pumpkin festival, are always on hand to help out when we need it (as well as […]
Christmas Tree Festival ’24

Wow! What an amazing three days! This year we saw a record breaking 75 trees entered into the festival, from charities, schools, individuals and local businesses. The level of creativity was astounding, with trees made from lamp shades, recycled rubbish and exercise balls plus so much more. Darth Vader from Star Wars also made an […]
Garden Lighting

In preparation for the forthcoming Christmas Tree Festival, our volunteers have been busy installing the lights in the gardens, to make it look magical. This year, we have been able to secure funding for some additional lights, meaning we have been able to replace some older damaged set plus buy some additional netting lights and […]
Remembrance Service

Today the local community gathered at St Conan’s to honour those who served and sacrificed in the line of duty. The annual Remembrance Service, held on the eve of Armistice Day, brought together residents of all ages to pay tribute to the fallen soldiers of both World Wars and subsequent conflicts. The service was marked […]
Heaters Installation

When you have a large stone built building with vast open spaces, the biggest challenge is to heat it. Too little heat and the place remains fridge-like, but too much and, as we know, heat rises, so it could start to dry out the wonderful wooden roof trusses, causing damage to the building. We have […]
Tree Decoration Workshop

Today saw two of our regular volunteers, Val Leckie and Val Hamiliton (known as the 2Vals) delivered a tree decoration workshop here at the Kirk. The theme was Trees & Angels and after a practical demonstration by the tutors, the group unleashed their full creativity. The only materials allowed were simple strips of card, but […]