We had a great turn out and very successful day! This despite a discouraging forecast and occasional downpours! Today’s volunteers were Helen, Peter, Rosie, Emma, Anne, Karen, Takki, Tom, Kathleen, Alistair, Lorna, Kenny, Lynda, Liz. 14 in all.
As ever, we were very pleased to see Tom who comes all the way from Ayrshire every year for this event. Today we were also happy to welcome for the first time, Lorna and Kenny who are frequent visitors to the area from East Kilbride.

The Garden & Grounds Group were delighted to receive several plant donations. Thanks to Pat & David for their early morning visit bearing primroses, margarites and some other plants. The Group was also pleased to see a lot being achieved: the cloister was tidied, long path cleaned, main door plot tidied, more planting of the (future!) snowdrop walk, the stream by the cloister door was cleared and new planting added, the paths were cleared of leaves and debris, daffodil clumps divided and replanted, hedgehog house repositioned, gravel swept from the steep steps by the Bruce basement.
Inside the building, by the end of the day, the difference was truly striking! The Chapels were all cleaned, as were the South and St Filan’s Aisles, the Apse, Chancel and Nave, the choirstalls, pews communion table and dolphin chairs and the Glass Box. Our newcomers, Lorna and Kenny, did sterling work on the organ screen, bringing out the warm colour of the wood.
Everyone worked very hard and enjoyed much needed sandwiches, cakes, biscuits and tablet. Thanks from all to Helen, Tom, Rosie, Emma, Lynda!
At one point in the day a visitor from Staffordshire, a newcomer to St Conan’s, stopped to thank us for the work we were doing.
“I’ve never been here before, but I saw it when we passed on the way to Oban yesterday and wanted to stop today. It’s wonderful! You are obviously all volunteers and I just wanted to say “Thank-you” for what you are doing to keep it so well”.
Comments like this make the work seem all the more worthwhile!