When you have a large stone built building with vast open spaces, the biggest challenge is to heat it. Too little heat and the place remains fridge-like, but too much and, as we know, heat rises, so it could start to dry out the wonderful wooden roof trusses, causing damage to the building.
We have already gone some way in making a warm space inside the glass box, but the heaters for the Nave and Apse were old and inefficient. Through a grant from Greenpower – Carraig Gheal Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund, we have been able to commission the installation of new heaters throughout the Nave and Apse. These will be installed at a lower level, meaning more heat reaches the visitors of the Kirk and less disappears into the Argyll sky!
There will be a little disruption whilst the new cabling and heaters are installed over the next couple of weeks, but we are sure it will be worth it! Hopefully it will be toasty for the visitors at the Christmas Tree Festival in a few weeks.